Let The Water Run by Nancy Schatz Alton
We made a complete ocean & this is a lie.
We made a creek that dried up in the drought.
You told me what I wanted to hear
until you were tired of talking.
Whenever I forgive myself for my part
I’m forgiving essential elements of myself.
The parts I’d like to drown in that ocean.
The ocean we never made.
We were a creek that dried up the drought.
I’ve made my own creek & I call it a bathtub.
Each night I fill her up, my own sea.
I let all my faults out, let their salts soothe my skin.
We are all human, angry & sad, seemingly alone.
Held up by the people who greet us with love.
Love in their eyes, eyes that hold our whole image.
Let your rage out, they say.
We’ll make a creek with all your angry tears.